

江苏淮安淮阴卫生高等职业学校 耿莎莎


任务型语言学习理论(Task-based learning)是二十世纪八十年代外语教学法研究者和第二语言习得研究者在大量研究和实践的基础上提出的具有重要影响的语言学习理论。任务型教学模式把语言运用的基本理转化为具有实际意义的课堂教学方式,教师围绕特定的教学目的,设计出各种教学活动,让学生完成一系列根据其发展需求而设计的教学任务,通过完成这些任务进而完成语言学习任务,最终达到学习和掌握语言的目的。


(一)真实性则(The authenticity principle) 在任务设计中,任务所使用的输入材料应来源于真实生活,履行任务的情景及具体活动也应尽量贴近真实生活。任务的设计要提供明确、真实的语言信息,语言情境和形式等也要符合实际的功能和规律。

(二)形式与功能相结合则(The form-function principle)


(三)连贯性则(The task dependency and the taskchain principle)


(四)“做”中“学”则(Learning by doing)任务型教学模式中,学生是教学活动的中心,教师应自始至终通过引导学生完成特定的实际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验,从而提高学生的学习兴趣和积极性,优化学生的学习方式和全面发展学生的综合能力。


本节课内容来自江苏职教《英语》基础模块下册,Unit4 What’s in fashion ,授课学生为卫生类护理专业高职二年级。在课前的教材处理上,为了便于学生更好地结合专业高效利用教材理解内容,笔者把教材进行了重新整合,把单元最后部分的Further reading 加入到前面的Readingand writing 来一起处理。


Knowledge objectives:

Ss will be able to master some words and expressionsabout following fashion.

Ability objectives:

1.Ss will be able to use some reading the useful information for debate. skills to search for2.Ss will try to practice some writing skills about agreeing or disagreeing with reasons.

Attitude objectives:

Ss will be able to treat the fashion properly. 依据此目标,并充分结合护理专业高职生(女生众多)热衷时尚、好奇心强、需要被引导等特点,笔者设计了以下任务。

任务准备,设定情景:“Help Amy! ”—Amy is a nursewho loves fashion very much, but she has to focus on herowrornko.t?Can you help her to make the choice—follow the trend 利用这一护士的角色拉近本节课与专业的距离,让学生感同身受,并沿着这一主线去寻找答案。


Task 1—find useful information from the reading materialsthemSrteeapd1theDtiwstoripbuastesadgiefsfe.rent tasks for each group and letStep 2 Remix Ss into another six groups. Let them exchange information, help each other do the exercises andsolveSltaenpgu3agGeupidoientesvetorgyegthroeur.p to collect other problems thattbhlaecykbcoaanr’dt. sLoeltveSsbydetahlewmistehlvtehse apnrodblpeumtsthfoermothuepr ognrouthpesand give them some supplements if necessary. 通过两次分组阅读讨论,充分发挥学生自主性,让他们共同解决问题,老师只起到组织和辅助的作用。

Task 2—conclude the points by finishing the writingtaskagreeStweipth1foGlluoiwdiengSsthtoe fliallteisnt atrbelnadn”k. aTbhoeunt“cAhegcrekeaonrsdwiesrsand make comments.

Step 2 Guide Ss to write the passage with the notes taktehneifrropmasstaasgkes1.inGtihvee sgoromuep,suhpapvleemaendtiss.cuTshseionnleatndSsmraekadecomments for each other. 利用任务一所获得的信息,让学生总结出提纲,使本无头绪的议论文写作变得有理有据。

Task 3—“Make the choice”by a debate

Step 1 Sellect the Pro side and the Con side. The otherSs are the Judges.Then show the rules: The standards ofjudges include the language fluency, logic reasoning, on -the-sSptoetpre2acLteiotntwaondgrsooupons.of contestants provide their arguments in turn and conclude their arguments with the pointsthey get from task 2. At the same time, the judges listencarefuSltleypa3ndAtnankoeunnocteesthfoer ethnedijnugdgomf etnhtes.debate and let thejudges grade for each group.

Step 4 Announce the winners and present the prizes. 通过前两个任务的积累,学生已充分掌握了辩题的论据,再结合自身专业的特点和感受进行有力的辩论。辩论的过程也充分发挥了学生们的团队协作精神,让他们全员参与,各司其职,皆有斩获。

